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Admissions @ Bishopton

At Bishopton staff and stakeholders are dedicated to provide key stage 3 and 4 learners the opportunity to access an academically led curriculum as well as offering a variety of therapeutic support to allow learners to achieve and progress.

How do families access the PRU?

Admissions to the PRU are taken from Stockton’s Local Authority Exclusions Officer/Inclusion Officer once a mainstream secondary school gives notice of a pending permanent exclusion. Families and Schools cannot refer a child to the PRU.

Admissions process

The Local Authority Exclusions Officer/Inclusion Officer will then ask the mainstream secondary school to complete a Bishopton PRU Referral form. This information gathering helps us to support the child or young person and is crucial to their success at the PRU. This information will form the basis of an initial risk assessment and pen portrait of the pupil and will help us to signpost to other services and agencies (e.g. Educational Psychology, Youth Offending Team, Health and Social Services).

We believe strongly that parents/carers know their child best. That is why parents and carers will be asked to supply additional information to support the admissions process.  

Once a placement is agreed, the parent/carer and pupil will be contacted by the Admission, Access and Inclusion Officer at Bishopton PRU, Mrs. Laura Hall, to attend an Admission induction meeting at the PRU to discuss the admissions process; the expectations of the family, the young person and the school; the curriculum offer; travel arrangements etc. 

The child/young person will then be asked to attend an assessment period in the PRU, to facilitate a range of academic and behavioral assessments and to ensure that their timetable and tutor team can be best matched to meet their individual needs.  

If you require any further information please contact Mrs. Laura Hall, on 01642 566369 

Please use the link below to obtain a copy of our school referral form.