Anti-bullying & Online safety
At Bishopton we place the safety and wellbeing of all of our pupils at the heart of everything we do. As a Rights Respecting School we recognise, value and promote the fact that all children have the right to go about their daily lives without fear of being threatened, assaulted or harassed, to have an education, to be protected from violence, abuse and neglect and not be discriminated against on any grounds.
As a school we do not underestimate the impact that bullying can have on a person’s life. It can cause high levels of distress, affecting young people’s well-being, academic and social development right through into adulthood. Therefore at this school we recognise bullying as anti-social behaviour that will not be tolerated. We believe pupils and families should have the confidence that they will be listened to and that any bullying that is reported will be dealt with promptly and effectively. We are a TELLING school, this means that anyone who is aware of any type of bullying taking place is expected to tell a member of staff immediately.
As a Rights Respecting School we also recognise that children and young people have the right to their own views, beliefs and freedom of expression and will do all we can to empower pupils to have a major role to play when it comes to tackling bullying in this school.
Children learn about bullying and the impact it can have on a person, through our PSHE curriculum and through discussions with staff. Bishopton also celebrate Anti-Bullying week, every year in the Autumn term.
Please contact school and speak with our Anti-Bullying Co-ordinator, Mrs Hall, if you require further information.
"Hi, I'm Mrs Hall, it is my job to ensure that we follow safeguarding and OFSTED guidelines on anti-bullying. We have a policy which sets out our aim and how we tackle bullying. If I am tagged in an incident where bullying has taken place I have to then investigate and speak to all pupils involved and parents/Carers and help decide what we can do to help, not just the bullied pupil but the bully themselves. I am here to talk and offer support and advice to every pupil and spread awareness on how to keep safe and how to report it. If you want to talk I am here to listen"
Mrs Hall
Important Info & useful links
In today’s society, children, young people and adults interact with technologies, such as smart phones, games consoles, tablets and the internet, on a daily basis and experience a wide range of opportunities, attitudes and situations. The internet is a good resource for young people’s education and development. It makes learning fun, fast and easy and is an essential element in 21st century life for education, business and social interaction. However, although the exchange of information, ideas, social interaction and learning opportunities involved are greatly beneficial to all, they occasionally place children, young people and adults in danger.
Bishopton has a duty to provide students with high-quality internet access as part of their learning experience and internet use is a part of the statutory curriculum. We aim to help children stay safe online and at school.
With many government departments and organisations releasing new guidance and resources to support you in safeguarding children online and offline during COVID-19, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. At Bishopton we are committed in helping raise awareness for our whole Bishopton commhity. During school hours and PSHE lessons pupils will develop knowledge on how to keep themselves safe and guidance on what they need to do next. Please see below for some help and advice: