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Bishopton is dedicated to providing the best possible education and support for all its pupils. This means having a clear, fair and efficient procedure for dealing with any complaints to or against the school, so that any issues that arise can be dealt with as swiftly and effectively as possible.

If you have a concern that you would like to take up with the school you should initially inform the head teacher either over the telephone or in writing. You may then be invited to an informal meeting with the head teacher or nominated member of staff most appropriate for dealing with your concern.

We encourage parents/carers to approach staff with any concerns they may have and aim to resolve all issues with open dialogue and an air of mutual understanding and respect.

If your concern is about the head teacher, you should raise your concern in writing the chair of the Management Committee.

If your concern is about a member of the Governing body you should raise your concern in writing to the clerk to the Management Committee.

If you have a complaint and your child has Special Educational Needs, please contact Claire Thompson our SENCO.

Please find our Complaints Policy and Procedures below:

Complaints Policy Jan 2021