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Curriculum Overview

Our learning journey so far

Bishopton PRU provides education and pastoral support to children in KS3 and 4, supporting them to overcome their difficulties and achieve their potential by building their confidence and self-esteem. The school provides a relevant, broad and balanced, highly differentiated curriculum that is linked to the National Curriculum and helps young people understand their emotions, build confidence and self – esteem and improve their behaviour and re-ignite their love of learning.  

Our aim is to promote a culture that effectively breaks down the barriers to learning by creating a safe and stimulating learning environment based on individual need. All staff believe that the enhancement of self – esteem and confidence for all learners, with a strong focus on academic qualifications, are the key to success. All staff will promote the re-engagement of learners and help them to achieve their learning potential. This is underpinned by staff working in partnership with parents/carers and other stakeholders to achieve the very best for learners.

Our approach to promoting good quality teaching and effective learning at Bishopton is an integral part of our whole school curriculum and is underpinned by the aims of the school. We also recognise that it is the responsibility of the school to provide good quality teaching and learning opportunities which will significantly influence the behaviour of our learners. We accept and recognise that classroom management, teacher behaviour and organisation can have a positive impact on teaching and learning. We will always seek to encourage and support the achievements of our learners through highly effective teaching and a positive learning climate.

Bishopton is committed to delivering good quality teaching & learning, for all learners, including those who learn at home or in Alternative Education provision. All learners have the right to access a broad, balanced curriculum that also recognises their need for a more differentiated curriculum. To ensure all learners have access to this curriculum, they should all experience a variety of teaching & learning that engages, encourages and enables them to achieve good or outstanding outcomes during their time with us. Bishopton intends to allow all learners to fulfil these outcomes through successful and effective teaching and learning. The staff at Bishopton have a collective and individual responsibility to strive to deliver lessons and learning experiences of the highest quality within the confines of a broad, and balanced curriculum. To continue to maintain our very high standards, Bishopton identifies the need for continued professional development, professional mentoring and strong systems of support and analysis to empower staff to achieve these ambitions.

We believe that every child should leave Bishopton prepared for life in an ever changing modern society. We therefore provide the academic rigour supported by quality teaching and learning to develop every young person’s values, skills and behaviours that they will need to succeed in all aspects of life.

When designing a curriculum that best meets the needs of our pupils we are clear on what we are trying to achieve through the curriculum we know how the curriculum will be delivered and we are able to demonstrate how the curriculum is making a difference to our pupils.

For more information regarding our curriculum offer please visit the links to each subject area, or contact Bishopton PRU.

  • At Key Stage 3, students follow a broad and balanced curriculum.

    Across Key Stage 3 students will study:
    • English
    • Maths
    • Science
    • Reading
    • Humanities
    • PSHE
    • Food Technology
    • Creativity
    • Computing across the curriculum
    • Sports

Bishopton offers a rich and diverse curriculum to pupils in years 9, 10 and 11. Pupils have the opportunity to work towards a number of qualifications. Qualifications offered are:

  • Functional Skills English
  • Functional Skills Mathematics
  • GCSE English Language
  • GCSE Mathematics
  • GCSE Biology
  • Level 1 & 2 Certificate in Food & Cookery
  • Level 1 Construction (optional)
  • Level 1 Hair and Beauty (optional)