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Parent Support

At Bishopton, we understand that we need to work in partnership to achieve the best results for our students. 

We value the support of parents and carers want them to feel part of our Bishopton family. 

To support parents, we offer: 


  • Daily updates by phone, text message and home visits to check on the welfare of our students. 
  • Weekly BRAG updates to inform parents and carers of their child’s academic progress (see behaviour section of website for further information).
  • Termly reports detailing their child’s progress over the term. 
  • Informal parent/carer  coffee mornings to chat with staff and key services such as Attendance teams, Early Help and Mental Health support. 
  • A comprehensive parent and carer counselling offer.  
  • Open door policy- parents are welcome to visit the school.  
  • Signposting to support services. 
  • Home visits. 


Please speak with Mrs Kate Dack for more information regarding our counselling offer. 

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