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It is a kind of nightmare that we have heard many times: you are using Tinder when suddenly a friend of Facebook appears. Panic. Now comes an application that allows you to spy Tinder profiles of your contacts on Facebook, without them knowing that you are doing it.

FriendSwipe is an application that analyzes your Facebook account, looking for connections with Tinder profiles . It is very simple to use: you log in with your user, and then they will show you a list of friends that use the popular app to find appointments. When you click on a name, it will automatically take you to your profile, giving you the option to swipe right or left.

That is all. Currently it is exclusive for iOS, although they say it will reach Android “soon”. Obviously, this application does not meet Tinder’s terms of service , so surely the application will disappear from the App Store soon. Anyway, you can always talk directly to your friends via Facebook Messenger.

Tinder comes to Apple TV, so your family will help you find a partner

Internet, smartphones and mobile applications have changed our world forever. It is the case of finding a partner, a “business” that has exploded with applications such as Tinder, making it easier and more comfortable to find the person you are looking for.
Tinder arrives at Apple TV: this is how it works
The platform has just announced that its application is compatible with Apple TV, so you can ask your family for advice when swiping to the left or right. Another positive point is that you will be able to see the candidates on a gigantic screen, something that can be positive or negative.

The new version of the application works how you imagine , allowing us to slide to the left to reject a person or slide to the right to say we like it. The only difference is that your grandparents, parents, siblings, etc. You can witness the whole process.

For some reason, Tinder thinks it can be fun to spend “one night at home” , replacing the series and movies with this strange experience. Below you can see a video that shows how Tinder works on Apple TV:

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