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C.A.S.T.L.E - Our Values

At Bishopton we love, value and respect the uniqueness of all of our pupils. We continually strive to fill their lives with awe and wonder and inspire them to transform their lives and achieve success. Our work places their best interests and rights at the heart of everything we do without discrimination, so that they will live, flourish and fly. Our pupils are our future and we want that future to be extraordinary.


  • Creativity – At this school we believe that creativity is key to success in the future, we therefore aim to fill pupils’ lives with awe and wonder, where creativity is valued, where imagination is ignited and where dreams are made.


  • Aspiration – At this school we believe in high expectations. We aim to inspire and nurture the aspirations of all our pupils so that they dream big for their future and the future of our country and the wider world.


  • Self-belief – At this school we feel strongly that the most important person to believe in is yourself therefore we foster an environment that encourages self-belief, self-value and self-respect.


  • Tolerance – At this school we embrace uniqueness and accept that we don’t all share the same views at the same time, however we value and model the fundamental British values of understanding, acceptance, tolerance and compassion and ensure that these values are embedded in everything that we do.


  • Love – As simply as we can put it, we are here on this earth to love and be loved without limitations, prejudices and judgement, this ethos underpins everything that we do and we hope to ignite a love of life long learning.


  • Enjoyment – We want our whole school community to be happy. Pupil achievement and progression starts with good emotional well-being and we will do whatever we can to make this school a happy, fun, inspirational and safe environment.
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