Intent of our offer

At Bishopton, we endeavour to foster a love of language and literature as well as developing pupil’s abilities to communicate effectively in a wide range of contexts. We strive to give pupils the opportunity to read texts by contemporary authors and also those celebrated within our literary heritage. We encourage pupils to develop an interest in extending the range of their own language in terms of style, vocabulary, structure and form, providing them with the tools to become engaging and imaginative writers.
Reading and Literacy is embedded across the curriculum as we aim to foster a love and a culture of reading, not just across the school, but as a life-long enjoyment of reading for pleasure. We believe that reading unlocks the ability to access, understand and appreciate the world around us and use reading as a tool to engage pupils in their learning and life in the wider community.
By giving this context to their learning, the children understand the value of English to them now, and in their futures. They can indeed ‘Aspire to be more’.
At KS4, pupils focus on GCSE English Language and English Literature, developing inference skills and exploring how language is used to create meaning before applying this knowledge to their own writing. In English Language, pupils explore fiction and non-fiction texts from a diverse range of authors and cultures and learn how to analyse the effect of language, form and structure as well as how to apply linguistic devices and genre conventions to their own writing.
In English Literature, pupils explore a Shakespeare play, a 19th Century novel and a modern play or drama in its entirety, as well as studying Power and Conflict and Unseen Poetry. This allows pupils to develop knowledge of our literary heritage and the social and historical context surrounding some of our most celebrated texts. Pupils will also use the skills developed at KS3 and in English Language to comment on the language choices, themes and characterisation presented in the set texts and their effect.
Reading opportunities at KS4 are embedded throughout the curriculum, using Accelerated Reader and texts and resources relevant to all subjects. Pupils are encouraged to explore a range of fiction and non-fiction so that they can access and enjoy texts from our literary heritage, as well as understand and comment on current events and contemporary issues in the wider world.
Pupils also practice speaking and listening skills which are applied to their work linking to employability and careers. We aim for pupils to practice speaking aloud and at length so that they can express themselves articulately and convincingly in both formal and informal settings.
Through our offer of a robust and varied English curriculum, we aim to increase pupil’s academic attainment and pupils will leave Bishopton with an increased cultural capital and the necessary skills to communicate and thrive in their lives beyond Bishopton.
Post 16
Qualifications in English are a vital stepping stone in pursuing post-16 education and employment as they equip learners with the skills to learn and work independently with confidence when applying reading, literacy or critical thinking skills. English Language and Literature encourages us to use our imagination and sparks creativity, teaches us essential social and language skills, reading and writing, and how to communicate effectively.
If you have any questions in regards to English GCSE or subject content, please contact Miss Hunter our English lead, 01642 566369.