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Big Thank you

We could not be more grateful to ‘The Griffin FC v Thornaby Nash’ for their kind donation of a massive £185 towards rewards for our pupils.Bishopton pupils have enjoyed the new Transformers movie at the Vue cinema followed by lunch.Thank you all so much- A special shout out to Mr Gardner and Mr Raby, who […]


One of our pupils enjoying their chosen lunch as a reward for receiving over 75 TRACK points this week .TRACK is our new behaviour system, if you would like more information please contact Mr Raby or Mr Simpson to discuss your child’s behaviour.

Breakfast Club

Over the last 6 weeks we have introduced 7 different types of fruit. As well as bagels with an assortment of spread are offered daily. Most importantly Friday attendance reward of bacon and sausage buns for all pupils. Keep a look out for our upcoming attendance reward. Be in school everyday, you will not want to […]

Chess Club

The first Chess club was a success, well done to all who attended. We can not wait to see more next week.

Pru week- Anything is possible

Pupils have completed day 1 of the Tees Valley Careers- ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE week. Pupils have enjoyed every minute of todays opportunities. Its looking as if we have some skilled young people.

KS3 Work

In maths, pupils have spent time on the challenging topic of plans and elevations, before revising our knowledge of calculating area. Pupils have approached this topic with great resilience.


Attendance everyday is vital. If you are struggling and need support, please give us a call. We are currently offering additional transport ad we will come and pick students up. If you need to discuss attendance, please speak to a member of SLT.

Parents Evening

We are pleased to invite you to our end of year parents evening. This is an opportunity for pupils to discuss next year and select there GCSE option qualifications. We are also excited for you to meet our new Head Teacher Mr Tim Bennett. Staff will be in touch to book time slots and arrange […]

Welcome back

We hope you all had a lovely half term. We are looking forward to welcoming all of our students back for our final half term of the year. Good luck to our amazing Year 11 students completing their English GCSE today.

Half Term

We want to say a huge thank you for your ongoing support this half term. A huge well done to all of our year 11’s in their incredible effort in their exams. You will all be pleased to know Mr Tim Bennett, will be taking up his post as Head teacher effective from 5th June 2023.  […]

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