Student assessment is ongoing and forms an essential part of teaching at Bishopton. If, despite high quality teaching targeted at the area of need, a student does not make good or better progress the SENDCo will be informed and further support, or targeted assessment will be implemented.
We are keen to involve parents/carers as much as possible. Their views will be sought at the beginning of the process so that it can be ascertained if there are any external factors at play, that the school is not aware of, that might be hindering progress.
As a parent/carer if you have concerns regarding your child and Special Educational Needs please contact Mrs Claire Thompson, SENDCo on 01642 566369.
Further Information can be found using the following links:
Access Arrangements, Reasonable Adjustments and Special Consideration (JCQ Website)
Information is used from a range of sources to identify Special Educational Needs.
These sources can include:
All teaching staff at Bishopton work with and teach SEND students. It is primarily the responsibility of class teachers, with support from the SENDCo, to ensure individual needs are met. The SENDCo’s responsibility is to keep staff informed of any changes in circumstance and how to best support the individual student.
Students on the SEND register will take part in the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle, during which they will work with their key worker to set themselves targets and review their progress.
All students at Bishopton follow the National Curriculum however, for students with Special Educational Needs it may be necessary to provide an enhanced level of provision that supports and develops their learning abilities. Support may take one or more of the following forms:
Communication and Interaction
Cognition and Learning
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
Sensory/and or Physical Needs
Students with SEND are fully integrated into all areas of the curriculum, and the high quality teaching at Bishopton ensures that the majority of students, including those with Special Educational Needs, make good progress. In-class support is provided where and when appropriate.
1 to 1 sessions are delivered by skilled Teaching Assistants, offering a wide range of individualised programmes to meet the needs of students. SEND students are encouraged to participate in all school activities and have equal access.
Student assessment is an ongoing process at Bishopton. Data is collected regularly to track students’ progress and to ensure challenging targets are set. The SENDCo may also use a range of Educational and Cognitive Assessments to further assess a student’s Special Educational Needs.
EHCPs will be reviewed annually.